Inferred graph vocabulary?

Hi folks,

Does anyone know of, or is perhaps working on, a vocabulary of terms to 
describe the relationships between graphs that have been involved in 
some reasoning process?

For example, I might take graph <G>, and with ontology <O>, create a 
graph of inferred triples <I>, using reasoner R. I then want to add <I> 
to my triplestore. I would then want to also specify the provenance of 
the inferred graph (from <G> and <O>), and the metadata associated with 
its creation (R etc).

This is my particular scenario, I can imagine others. I had thought that 
this might fall under the jurisdiction of VoID, but I don't see anything 
like that in there (yet). I hope I didn't miss something obvious, I did 
Google I promise ;-)

Thanks in advance,

Dr Andrew Gibson
Universiteit van Amsterdam


Received on Monday, 19 October 2009 10:05:25 UTC