Compiling information from several different triplestores

Hello all,

How can I run a query over several different triplestores ?

For instance, I want to get a list of Anthony's friends.
Triplestore1 says Jack is Tony's friend.
Triplestore2 says Tony sameAs Anthony.
What clever mechanism would undestand that Jack is Anthony's friend?
Do I have to copy all information from both triplestores my own
triplestore, or is there something smarter to do ?

Copying all information from external triplestores seems awkward, and
in some cases might prove impossible (frequent updates, size, load on
Is there an easy solution that I am not aware of?
Can any triplestore implementation be configured to complement its
information with information from external triplestores?

Thank you!
Nicolas Raoul

Received on Tuesday, 5 May 2009 11:53:07 UTC