Re: [foaf-dev] RDF triple assertions live forever?

On 26 Mar 2008, at 22:24, Phillip Rhodes wrote:
> Semantic Web community:
> In a discussion that has arisen recently on the foaf-dev list,  
> somebody
> pointed out that they've been told that RDF triples live forever.   
> That is, once something is asserted it is considered asserted until,  
> as it
> was put, "the entropic heat death of the universe."

This is wrong. In a linked data scenario rdf triples are fetched via  
HTTP which contains headers specifying the validity of the statement.
Clearly this information needs to be taken into account when storing  
the information.

For more details see


That is why you need quad stores, such as Sesame 2 to do data  

REally nice in fact is that this gives you a lot of power

> This seems counter-intuitive to me, as I can see plenty of data -  
> which might be expressed in RDF - which changes, expires, or is  
> otherwise
> not valid for perpetuity.
> Can anyone here elaborate on this?  Is it really a widely held axiom  
> that triple assertions "live" forever?  If so, what is the  
> justification, and how does one deal with changing data that would
> invalidate a previous assertion?
> -- 
> Phillip Rhodes
> Chief Architect - OpenQabal
> LinkedIn:
> <mindcrime.vcf>_______________________________________________
> foaf-dev mailing list

Received on Thursday, 27 March 2008 08:43:21 UTC