RE: Importing the correct version of an ontology

Hi, Andrea!

Andrea Splendiani wrote on Friday, September 21:

>Hi, so maybe I'm having a major lack of knowledge here, aren't 
>classes in the ontology supposed to be identified with a fragment ?

You mean hash URIs with a "#" of the form ONTOLOGYURI#CLASSNAME ? No, not

The URIs of the classes (and properties, and individuals) in an OWL ontology
can even be completely unrelated to the URI of the ontology. This may sound
strange, but see it this way: If you import one ontology O1 into another
ontology O2, then all the axioms of O1 are considered to be axioms of O2.
Especially, all the classes of O1 are then classes of O2. And O1 and O2 will
probably have very different URIs, and so there will be classes within O2
(those coming from O1), which are not simply "string extensions" of O2's

And, of course, URIs of OWL classes do not need to be hash-URIs. They just
need to be URIs. :)


Dipl.-Inform. Michael Schneider
FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik Karlsruhe
Abtl. Information Process Engineering (IPE)
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Received on Friday, 21 September 2007 16:34:52 UTC