Re: Turtle - Terse RDF Triple Language updated

Ok. Sorry to have muddied the waters with talk about behavior of "="  
depending on its posititon. Those are two completely different issues.

One could have the same hint for owl:sameAs

me foaf:knows [ owl:sameAs </joe>;
                 foaf:name "Joe" ] .

So the worry cannot be with the "=" sign itself.

The = sign is used a lot and is easy to understand for people coming  
from different languages.


On 3 Oct 2007, at 13:49, Dan Brickley wrote:

>> My vote would be for doing either of those things:
>> a) allow "=" as pure syntactic sugar for owl:sameAs, or
>> b) allow "=" only immediately after "[", as a syntax for creating  
>> a named node instead of a blank node; owl:sameAs would still need  
>> to be written explicitly.
>> I don't have a clear preference for a) or b), I think both would  
>> be useful. Option b) might have the slight advantage that it can  
>> be used by Turtle serializers.
> The further this takes us from SPARQL's RDF notation, the more  
> worried I become...

Received on Wednesday, 3 October 2007 11:59:49 UTC