Re: RDF+Transformation = XHTML or is there sth like inverse GRDDL?

Hi Andy,

For the sake of (nearer to) completeness, I'll add SPARQL+XSLT to the
list. Used directly there's the possibility of generic representation
from something like SELECT ?s ?p ?o as well as domain-specific stuff
(e.g. FOAF to hCard [1]).

One drawback is that the source vocabulary, the SPARQL and the
resulting HTML (or whatever) are quite tightly coupled. But it is
possible to insert another layer of indirection separating data and
(document) presentation thus:

1. SPARQL CONSTRUCT maps domain-specific source RDF (v1) into a graph
using a generic, more document-structural/presentation-oriented
vocabulary (v2)
2. fairly generic SPARQL against v2 produces (/filters) required data
3. fairly generic XSLT againsts result of 2. yields final document

This two-phase querying allows non-domain-specific reuse of the
doc-oriented SPARQL & XSLT of 2. & 3.

When I was playing with this approach I hacked a very simple
structured report vocabulary (I forget exactly, it had something like
Sections & Details) which worked surprisingly well for little effort,
being able to look after the data-doc mapping and doc presentation
separately simplified changes. The only real pain I had was in
grouping results in XSLT 1.0 - but XSLT 2.0 can alleviate that.

I've a feeling this approach (or something very similar) could be used
to implement Fresnel, but I've not had chance to look closely.




Received on Wednesday, 4 July 2007 11:03:43 UTC