Challenge: Scripting for the Semantic Web, at SFSW2007 (co-located with ESWC2007, Innsbruck, Austria)

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Challenge: Scripting for the Semantic Web, at 3rd Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web, ESWC2007

The 3rd Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web, at ESWC2007, includes a Scripting Challenge which will award a prize (an Apple iPod Video or alternatively ˆ200 cash) to the most innovative *small* scripting application or mashup.

The application must be implemented using a scripting language and Semantic Web technologies. It should access, visualize or combine information from more than one source in novel or unforeseen ways. For the purpose of the Challenge we define a "small" application as being less than 1000 lines of code (excluding external libraries), and focusing on one specific problem or application.

The challenge is open to anyone interested in developing applications, services, or infrastructure for the Semantic Web, using scripting languages. This might include students, developers, researchers, and people from industry. Individual or group submissions are both acceptable.

Entries will be assessed according to the extent to which they:

- Demonstrate innovation through the use of Scripting Languages
- Highlight the technical capabilities of a Semantic Web
- Bring benefits to potential users

All three criteria will be given equal importance in selecting the winning entry. In the event of a tie, the entry deemed to bring greatest benefits to potential users will be awarded the prize.

Reviews and Judging
Submissions to the Scripting Challenge will be reviewed by members of the Programme Committee of the 3rd Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web, ESWC2007. A final decision will be made by the Organising Committee of the workshop, based on the reviews by Programme Committee members.

Submissions should consist of a 2 page description (in Springer LNCS format) of the application, ideally accompanied by the source code and a link to an online demo. Descriptions and accommpanying materials should be submitted electronically via the workshop management system (address to be announced) by March 30, 2007. Descriptions of the submissions will be included in the workshop proceedings. Entries to the Scripting Challenge may be presented at the workshop by their authors, however authors of Scripting Challenge submissions are not required to attend the workshop personally. Submissions to the Scripting Challenge may include work that has previously been published elsewhere. However in this case we would expect entries to demonstrate novelty through new features, or deployments of the application with new data sets.

Contact Details
In the event of any queries regarding the Scripting Challenge, please contact Tom Heath <>.

Tom Heath
PhD Student
Knowledge Media Institute
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1908 653565
Fax: +44 (0)1908 653169

Received on Thursday, 25 January 2007 14:40:58 UTC