[vCard] VCard/RDF #swig and F2C Meeting: Friday Jan 26th 12:00ET


 	There will another IRC #swig meeting to discuss vCard in RDF, this 
time with more of a focus on its relationship to other existing languages 
such as FOAF. The meeting with be both over IRC and face-2-face in Boston 
for those attending the W3C Multi-Meeting Week. In IRC the meeting will of 
course be on #swig, and at the W3C Multi-Meeting the face-to-face 
component will be held at 12:00ET in I think in G631 of the MIT Strata 
Building. Hope to see you there, either in person or over IRC!

The relevant documents are:

1) The skeleton of the spec:
[1] http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns

2) The draft mappings (using Embedded RDF):
[2] http://www.ibiblio.org/hhalpin/homepage/notes/vcardtable.html


On Wed, 24 Jan 2007, Dan Brickley wrote:

> Josh@oklieb wrote:
>> At this point we are at:
>> On Jan 24, 2007, at 1:04 PM, Andrew Turner wrote:
>>> That seems unfortunate.
>>> What is the path for moving forward in the GeoRSS specification, esp
>>> Simple? There have been several ideas and desires brought up on the
>>> list:
>>>  * Names/Regions/addressing
>> Preference for this to be solved by another namespace (e.g. Geonames, 
>> xAL), but featurename practices might be a stopgap.
> vCard-in-RDF is also in this space.
> There was to be a f2f meetup in Boston this week on that topic, as part of 
> the W3C multi-group meeting.  I can't figure out from
> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/semantic-web/2007Jan/0054.html exactly 
> when it is, but my memory tells me they were talking about lunch  rather than 
> evening meeting tommorrow. Sorry for the vagueness... maybe someone can chime 
> in with details?
> I've added semantic-web@w3.org to the CC list...
>>>  * GeoRSS in HTML
>> I like RDF-A, it just happens to be illegal. Hacks still to be 
>> standardized.
>>>  * Collections of points (in a single item)
>> Not convinced this is needed in simple. We can consider adding  Multipoint 
>> into the GML profile.
>>>  * Elevation for lines/polygons
>> We had decided that more than a single elevation (georss:elev) was 
>> unnecessary complication for GeoRSS Simple. Could be revisited.
>>>  * others?
>> CirclebyCenterPoint...
>> Common attributes...
>> Some of us need to finish georss.owl aka w3c neogeo, then we'd love  to get 
>> back to GeoRSS 1.1
> Could you give a progress report on neogeo? I'm sure there are many on 
> semantic-web@w3.org who'd be interested to here.
> BTW hope everyone saw 
> http://ebiquity.umbc.edu/blogger/how-the-w3cs-geo-vocabulary-is-being-used/
> ...very useful survey of where we are to date (in RDFland at least).
> There's a little network of namespaces here... each with overlapping scope: 
> FOAF covers people and names but vCard does addressbook stuff better. It also 
> does street addresses etc., but geo: and neogeo: do mappable, plottable, etc 
> geography stuff better. There should be a combination of all three that 
> describes people, organizations, groups and their associated locations at 
> various levels of details.
> Thanks for any thoughts,
> Dan


 	Harry Halpin
 	Informatics, University of Edinburgh

Received on Thursday, 25 January 2007 09:31:52 UTC