Re: Mustangs vs myMustang

--- Richard H. McCullough" < wrote:


> But the real question
is: can a property have

> two different kinds of ranges as these

> declarations

Yes, but the meaning is not what you are expecting.

> I'll see if
I can validate these statements.


> #       Ford Company   isManufacturerOf

> #       Ford Company   isManufacturerOf   myMustang


> <owl:Property

>         <rdf:domain rdf:resource="#Company"/>

>         <rdf:range rdf:resource="#CarBrand"/>

>         <rdf:range rdf:resource="#Car"/>

> </owl:Property>

"Multiple domains mean that the domain of the property
is the intersection of the identified classes (and similarly for range)."[1]

So imho you created a property whose range consists of things that are of
type CarBrand AND of type Car. 


> <FordCompany> <isManufacturerOf>

> <FordCompany> <isManufacturerOf> <myMustang/>

This implies
that both Mustangs and myMustang are of type Car and of type CarBrand. 

The easiest solution in this case is propably to specifiy the range of isManufacturerOf
as some common superclass of both car and carBrand. 

[1]: (



Received on Saturday, 15 October 2005 00:07:01 UTC