Re: An inconsistency or not?

You assert:

     card({...}) = 2

This is only true if John != Johnny, which we do not know. Your 
argument is invalid.

> It is my second reply. Consider the interpretation of the cardinality 
> restriction..
> {x ∈ O | card({y ∈ O∪LV : <x,y> ∈ ER(p)}) = n}
> Substitute n = 1, x = Harry, p = hasFather into the interpretation..
> {Harry ∈ O | card({y ∈ O∪LV : <Harry,y> ∈ ER(hasFather)}) = 1}
> Then..
> {y ∈ {S(John),S(Johnny)} | card({John ∈ O∪LV : <Harry,y> ∈ 
> ER(hasFather)}) = 2 <> 1}
> Therefore the restriction (class axiom?), restriction(hasFather 
> cardinality(1)), is not satisified. Hence the collection of axioms is 
> not consistent.

Received on Wednesday, 30 March 2005 23:28:42 UTC