Re: SW / ontology in telecommunication field

A little side question:

On Mon, 7 Mar 2005 08:12:53 +0400, IC Dept.-  MIT-Maqbool Al Maimani 

> In our work Lehigh we use HTN planning to compose Semantic Web services. To
> avoid redundancy in service composition we use Local Closed World reasoning
> (LCW).

I've not looked very closely at HTN, but I was wondering how far its
semantics can be expressed/applied in an OWL DL system. Presumably the
descriptive constructs used can be expressed reasonably cleanly in
OWL, but are there any algorithms that can be rearranged to work with
DL reasoning?

My main reason for asking is that I'm hoping to put together a
planner-like system for goal-oriented project management. Ok, that's
rather a grandiose way of putting it - all I'm after is a simple
system that will accept to-do lists, help you decompose them into
discrete tasks & subgoals and then tell you which task you should
probably do next. I'm still at the stage of putting together the basic
infrastructure, but had anticipated using an OWL DL reasoner (or even
just RDFS) for fact-expansion alongside an auxiliary rule engine
(maybe Prolog-based, maybe Rete-based, as a last resort hard-coded) to
do prioritisation. But the more I can get under the DL umbrella the
happier I'll be. Suggestions appreciated.



Received on Tuesday, 8 March 2005 10:48:44 UTC