Re: RDF over Jabber?

Yup its java. There is some really excellent java serialization in XML 
thingy but jasimpa uses ObjectStream as a cut corner solution 
alternative to a real protocol :-)  so i'd use it only for a java 
project for now.

>be putting JaSiMPA through its paces at the same time. (In answer to
>the question, that's a "mmm...maybe").
>What's the best way of getting the code - sourceforge cvs?
Yes. Take a look at the test package, the usage is really trivial, just 
run a server, then run a client pointing at a server, then you're ready 
to send sync or async messages to other guys logged in trough the 
server. few lines of code.
Not suggested for anything more than a demostrator however, it will not 
scale to many users or to busy situations (you'll start getting a lot of 
timeouts). Since that's so far the backbone of DBin we'll , 
unfortunately :-) , have to make it better unless i find an alternative, 
suggestions anyone?

Received on Tuesday, 14 June 2005 16:10:10 UTC