Re: DRAFT XML Query/XSL WG Joint Teleconference #665 Agenda 2017-01-17

Correction in what I said for ACTION A-661-06 (Bug 29949). Tests were implementation-defined so removed.

> On 17 Jan 2017, at 16:28, Liam R. E. Quin <> wrote:
> MINUTES XML Query/XSL WG Joint Teleconference #665 2017-01-17
> Chair: Andy
> Scribe: Liam
>> ====================
> Bug 30045 closed, accepted
> Bug 30047 marked as editorial.
>> ================
> (none)
> Most recent secretaries (least-recent participants first):
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Abel Braaksma       - 2016-10-18, 2016-06-28
> Josh Spiegel        - 2016-11-01, 2016-07-19, 2016-03-15
> Jonathan Robie      - 2016-11-08, 2016-07-05, 2016-04-12
> Mike Kay            - 2016-11-15, 2016-07-26, 2016-04-26
> O'Neil Delpratt     - 2016-11-29, 2016-09-06, 2016-04-19
> Michael Sprbrg-McQn - 2016-12-06, 2016-09-27, 2016-06-07
> Michael Dyck        - 2017-01-10, 2016-10-04, 2016-06-14
> Liam Quin           - 2016-09-13, 2016-05-03, 2017-01-17
> Andy
> Michael Dyck
> O'Neil
> Liam Quin
> Michael Sperberg-McQueen
> (Josh arrived just as the meeting was ending)
>> Regrets:
> Mike Kay was on vacation.
>> J1.3 Approval of agenda
>> J1.3.1 Additions, deletions, or corrections?
> Added bug 30074 under J.4.2.2
>> J1.4 Review of recent minutes and administrative items
>> J1.4.1 Minutes of meeting #664 (Michael Dyck)
> Approved
>> J1.5 Review of action items
>> NOTE: Please be prepared to respond quickly on your action items!
>> J1.5.1 Outstanding action items
>> ACTION A-657-12: ABr to create more tests for fn:transform, as he 
>> describes in bug 29834
>> Status: Pending; ETA 2016-11-26
>> ACTION A-661-04 (Bug 29997) AB to fix up the dependencies on the 
>> fn:transform tests and if appropriate resubmit results.
>> Status: Pending; ETA not specified.
>> ACTION A-661-06 (Bug 29949) OND to decide which approach to take and do 
>> it. Alternatives suggested include (a) adding a (rather specialized 
>> dependency) for these tests, or (b) dropping the tests, or (c) alternative 
>> results.
>> Status: Pending; ETA 2017-01-17
> Done - tests were impl'n dependent so removed.

Correction in what I said. tests were implementation-defined so removed

>> ACTION A-662-04: MikeKay to investigate bug 29932
>> Status: Pending; ETA 2017-01-31
>> ACTION A-663-02: MK to respond to original commentor (Thomas Fischer)
>> w.r.t. our decision on bug 30025 "[F+O3.1] array:join() - misleading
>> name" (WORKSFORME).
>> Status: Pending; ETA 2017-01-17
>> ACTION A-663-03: MK to respond to original commentor w.r.t. our
>> decision on bug 30024 "[F+O 3.1] Is map:entry superfluous?" (FIXED).
>> Status: Pending; ETA 2017-01-17
>> ACTION A-663-04: MK to address test suite bug 30023 [qt3ts]
>> fn-transform-err-9a (which he may already have fixed).
>> Status: Pending; ETA 2017-01-31
>> ACTION A-664-01: O'Neil to resolve Bug 30038 (Test prod-AxisStep /
>> cbcl-path-nodes-and-atomics) as suggested in comment 0.
> done
>> ACTION A-664-02: O'Neil to resolve Bug 30039 (Schema substitution.xsd 
>> depends
>> on XSD 1.0) as indicated in comment 2.
> done
>> ACTION A-664-04: Andy to update status and submit pub requests for 
>> Update3.0 (both spec and Req+UC).
> Status: Pending; ETA Jan 24th
>> J1.5.2 Completed action items
>> ACTION A-664-03: Andy to make the necessary transition and publication 
>> requests to progress the current suite of docs to PR.
>> Status: Closed; See
>> J1.6 Update on related activities
>> J1.6.1 Update on XSLT WG activities (Sharon, MikeK)
> (not present)
>> J1.6.2 Update on EXPath/EXQuery CG activities (Mike)
>> J1.7 Future Meetings
>> J1.7.1 QT Meeting Schedule
>> [V47] Joint XML Query/XSL WG meeting schedule
>> J1.7.2 Future F2F Meetings
>> J1.7.2.1 Other future F2F meetings
>> (none)
>> J2. Documents For Review
>> (none)
>> J3. Maintenance Issues
>> (none)
>> J4.2.1 Bug 30045 - [fo3.1] Error in specification of array:fold-right()
> WG approves the fix - note we have people passing the test suite.
> J4.2.2
> This doesn't affect conformance, only how function names
> are written. Marked as editorial and left ot the editor.
> Adjourned.

Received on Tuesday, 17 January 2017 17:11:08 UTC