completed A-614-13 (Bug 29027, editorial re initial context item)

> ACTION A-614-13 on Michael Dyck to resolve Bug 29027.

the bug:

my old post to w3c-xsl-query, referenced in comment 3 of the bug:


My changes only affect the XQuery 3.1 spec.

As indicated in J.2.2 Editorial Changes, I changed wording re 'initial 
context item' in 2.1.2 Dynamic Context, 4.17 Context Item Declaration, and 
C.2 Dynamic Context Components, to address Bug 29027.


In 2.1.2 Dynamic Context:
I changed the definition of 'initial context item', mostly as suggested in 
the first half of my old post. I added in the phrase "If this shared setting 
is not absent", though I'm not positive it's necessary or helpful.


In 4.17 Context Item Declaration:
I changed the end of the "During query evaluation" paragraph, to bring in 
"initial context item", and then inserted "the initial context item is" into 
the subsequent bullets (just because that elision trips me up every time I 
read it). And I inserted a Note along the lines of what Mike Kay suggested 
in comment 2 of the bug.


In C.2 Dynamic Context Components:
I modified the first three rows of the table as described in my old post
(but changing "overwritten with" to "overwriteable by", for consistency).


Note that fully resolving the bug will presumably involve changing the test 
case contextDecl-022 as described in comment 2 of the bug.


Received on Friday, 23 October 2015 20:02:33 UTC