MINUTES for XML Query/XSL WG Joint Teleconference #619 Agenda 2015-10-06


DECISION: Mike's proposal for 28845 adopted (and is already in the 

DECISION: Adopt 29159 to define distinct-values in term of deep-equal

DECISION: Adopt change proposed in 29164 to format-number, comment 1

DECISION: Adopt bug 29172 - schema-for-json.xsd to use named types

DECISION: Adopt change in bug 10795 to F&O and to tests for invalid IRI 
(reference) in fn:doc()

DECISION: close 29119 and accept [[
xs:error is a type that has no instances; it was defined in XML Schema 
in the
interests of making the type system complete and closed, and it is also
available in XQuery/XPath for similar reasons. Although the practical 
uses of
xs:error are limited, they are well-defined, and are consistent with the 
that xs:error is defined as a union type with no member types. For 
example: (X
instance of xs:error) is always false, etc etc

DECISION: annotations and assertions should behave in the same way as
pragmas for unrecognized local names / URI; this includes its error 
Don't say that users can create annotations or assertions, they can't;
This accepts bug 29170 comment 2.

DECISION: smart quotes: treat interpolated expressions as if surrounded 
xs:string(), e.g.  string-join($i ! xs:string(.))

DECISION: eat dairy-free sugar-free pineapple ice cream*

* not actually discussed during the call.


ACTION A-619-01: Liam to add links to new mailing list onto XQuery group 

ACTION A-619-02: Mike to move Bug 29146 to XSLT agenda

ACTION A-619-03: Mike to make the change to F&O for 29159 and close the 

ACTION A-619-04: Mike to make the change to F&O for 29164 comment 1 and 
close the bug

ACTION A-619-05: Mike to make the change to F&O for 29172 and close the 

ACTION A-619-06: jrobie to adopt 29119 and close the bug, e.g. using
xs:error is a type that has no instances; it was defined in XML Schema 
in the
interests of making the type system complete and closed, and it is also
available in XQuery/XPath for similar reasons. Although the practical 
uses of
xs:error are limited, they are well-defined, and are consistent with the 
that xs:error is defined as a union type with no member types. For 
example: (X
instance of xs:error) is always false, etc etc

ACTION A-619-07: jrobie to adopt 29170 comment 2 and close the bug, 
Don't say that users can create annotations or assertions, they can't;
annotations and assertions should behave in the same way as
pragmas for unrecognized local names / URI; this includes its error 

Joint XML Query Working Group and XSL Working Group

J1. Administrative Items

J1.1 Selection of secretary(s)

Adam has been asked to take the minutes. Liam has been asked to stand 
Liam did the deed.

Most recent secretaries (least-recent participants first):
(This list identifies the most recent three occasions when each
participant acted as Secretary for the Task Force.  The person whose
name is at the top of the list should plan to take the minutes at the
meeting identified by this agenda; if that person is unavailable, then
the job will fall to the next person on the list, etc.

Adam Retter         - 2015-04-21, 2015-01-20, 2014-09-23
Michael Sprbrg-McQn - 2015-06-09, 2015-03-03, 2014-11-25
O'Neil Delpratt     - 2015-06-23, 2015-03-17, 2014-12-02
Mike Kay            - 2015-07-15, 2015-04-14, 2015-01-06
John Snelson        - 2015-07-16, 2015-06-02, 2015-02-11
Loren Cahlander     - 2015-07-17, 2015-05-19, 2015-02-10
Michael Dyck        - 2015-09-01, 2015-03-31, 2014-12-16
Josh Spiegel        - 2015-09-08, 2015-03-24, 2014-12-09
Tim Mills           - 2015-09-15, 2015-04-21, 2015-02-03
Norm Walsh          - 2015-09-22, 2015-05-05, 2015-01-27
Jonathan Robie      - 2015-09-29, 2015-05-12, 2015-01-13
Liam Quin           - 2015-10-06, 2015-06-16, 2015-03-10

J1.2 Call the Roll


Carine Bournez
Andy Coleman
O'Neil Delpratt
Michael Dyck
Mike Kay
Tim Mills
Liam Quin
Jonathan Robie
John Snelson
Norm Walsh

     Josh Spiegel
     Norm Walsh (partial)
     Michael Sperberg-McQueen

J1.3 Approval of agenda

J1.3.1 Additions, deletions, or corrections?


J1.4 Review of recent minutes and administrative items

J1.4.1 Minutes of meeting #618 (Jonathan)


J1.5 Review of action items

NOTE: Please be prepared to respond quickly on your action items!

J1.5.1 Outstanding action items

ACTION A-579-18: Jonathan to write change proposal to support update of
maps and arrays.  (See agenda item Q2.1.1)

Status: Pending; ETA 2015-11-24

ACTION A-585-04: Jonathan to write a concrete proposal for XQuery Update
3.1 that makes preservation of node identity implementation defined at
the persistence layer.
See https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xsl-query/2014Nov/0012.html

Status: Pending; ETA 2015-11-24

ACTION A-613-26: Norm Walsh to replace the text in XDM 3.1 section
17.1 by implementing the changes from comment 6 of bug 28795.

Status: Closed: overtaken by events; replaced with map access function

ACTION A-613-30: Jonathan Robie to editorially resolve bug
27059. Include the example of function coercion against a map item
from comment 4 of bug 27059.

Status: Pending; ETA 2015-10-06

ACTION A-614-01 on JRobie to work with Zed to build FT 3.1 docs before
checking them in.

Status: Pending; ETA 2015-09-29

Jonathan has asked Zed to check in the HTML.

ACTION A-614-13 on JRobie to propose wording to resolve Bug 29027.

Status: Pending; ETA 2015-10-06

not done; ETA 2015-10-20

ACTION A-616-02: Michael SpMQ to make changes to serialization
specification detailed in

Status: Pending; ETA 2015-09-29

ACTION A-617-04: ETA 2015-09-29 Jonathan to write prose for the section
on string templates.

Status: done, October message 13

ACTION A-618-01: Loren to change the schema for serialization to allow
for EQNames.

Status: Pending; ETA not specified.

ACTION A-618-02 Mike to propose a resolution to
https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=28845 comments #10-11.

Status: done

ACTION A-618-03 Mike to close 
and implement it in the specification.

Status: done

ACTION A-618-04 Mike to handle Bug 29145 editorially.

Status: done

ACTION A-618-05 Mike to suggest a resolution to Bug 29146.

Status: closed, move to XSLT

ACTION A-619-02 Mike to move Bug 29146 to XSLT agenda

ACTION A-618-07 Jonathan to write text for string templates and add it
to the spec.

Status: done (duplicate)

ACTION A-618-08 O'Neil to add texts for fn:collection to support
results that are not nodes. One approach: the test suite specifies a 
query that returns a sequence
equivalent to the contents of a sequence, e.g.
<collection uri="my-collection" 

Status: Pending; ETA 2015-10-20

J1.5.2 Completed action items

ACTION A-613-04 O'Neil to ensure that the use cases in the XQuery 3.1
requirements and use cases document are added to the QT3 test suite.

Status: Closed; See

ACTION A-614-11 on JRobie re Bug 28966: make the change described in the 
and mark the bug fixed.

Status: Closed;

ACTION A-616-01:  Loren to explain the changes he made to the
serialization schema in response to Josh's email.

Status: Closed;

ACTION A-616-05: MikeK to add note to F&O offering more explanation in
light of decision on Bug 20602 - [QT3TS] fn-resolve-uri-32.

Status: Closed; Reported in Bugzilla

ACTION A-616-06: MikeK to update specification in light of adoption of
proposal in Comment #2

Status: Closed; Reported in Bugzilla

ACTION A-616-07: MikeK to update specification regarding J4.7.3 Bug 
- fn:serialize needs clarification when method parameter set from a map
and J4.7.4 Bug 29028 - fn:serialize should specify the required type for
QNames-type with accepted proposal in

Status: Closed; Reported in Bugzilla

ACTION A-617-01 Jonathan to bring discussion of bug 29119 to the mailing 

Status: Closed; See

ACTION A-617-02: Michael Dyck to write a grammar for string templates 
with names and delimiters he chooses.

Status: Closed;

ACTION A-618-06  MDyck to modify string template grammar to use
``[   .... `{  .... }`  ..... ]`` delimiters.

Status: Closed; See

J1.6 Update on related activities

J1.6.1 Update on XSLT WG activities (Sharon, MikeK)

Mike: made progress on backlog of issues, but it's not getting shorter.
But the new bugs are becoming easier and smaller.

J1.6.2 Update on EXPath/EXQuery CG activities (Loren)

Mike: there's been some mailing list activity on xspec unit
testing framework

J1.7 Future Meetings

J1.7.1 QT Meeting Schedule

[V43] Joint XML Query/XSL WG meeting schedule

J1.7.2 Future F2F Meetings

J1.7.2.1 Other future F2F meetings

There is interest in a possible F2F in conjunction with XML Prague in
February 2016.

J2. Documents For Review


J3. Maintenance Issues

J3.0 The XML Query WG and XSLT WG do not intend to maintains specs
earlier than the 3.0 suite of documents; when the 3.1 suite reaches
Recommendation, maintenance of the 3.0 documents will be terminated.

This agenda item is reserved for reporting errors and other problems
reported against the 3.0 (later, 3.1) suite of specifications.

J3.0.1 Concerns raised by the XSLT working group in regards to potential
completion delays of XSLT 3.0 if XPath 3.0 is made obsoleted by 3.1

Status: Pending the outcome of Abel's review of 3.0 bugs/errata.
         Any change to the status of the 3.0 specs requires explicit XSL 

J3.1 Bugzilla Bugs filed against the 3.0 suite of joint XML Query WG and
XSLT WG documents

J3.1.1 Bugzilla Bug 24568, Is the type system really a lattice? Or just
a partially ordered set?

Status: Fixed in Data Model 3.1; not expected to be addressed in Data
Model 3.0

J3.1.2 Bugzilla Bug 25231, [F+O 3.0 ONLY], ISO 8601, and XSD 1.1

Status: Fixed in F&O 3.1; not expected to be addressed in F&O 3.0

J3.1.3 Bugzilla Bug 26788, [XPath30] XQuery-only errors in XPath 3.0
specification, like XQST0134"

Status: Fixed in XPath 3.1; not expected to be addressed in XPath 3.0

J4. Active Specification Development

J4.1 Full Text 3.0 (Jim)

J4.1.0 Internal working draft


J4.2 Full Text 3.0 Requirements and Use Cases (Jim)

J4.2.0 Internal working draft


J4.3 Full Text 3.1 (Zed Zhou)

J4.1.0 Internal working draft

Zed Zhou should prepare a draft of this document with at least some
technical changes (relative to Full Text 3.0) already made so the WGs
can consider if they like the direction.

J4.4 Full Text 3.1 Requirements and Use Cases (Zed Zhou)

J4.4.0 Internal working draft

Zed Zhou should prepare a draft of this document with the necessary
requirements and at least some use cases for the WGs to consider.  We
should spend significant time determining which requirements the WGs
will accept.

J4.5 XPath and XQuery 3.1 Requirements and Use Cases (Jonathan)

J4.5.0 Internal working drafts


J4.6 Data Model 3.1 (Norm)

J4.6.0 Internal working draft


J4.7 Functions and Operators 3.1 (Mike Kay)

J4.7.0 Internal working draft

J4.7.1 Bug 28845 - fn:format-number, formatting rules for exponential

Status: Ready to discuss; See

Mike: We closed most of this but left some loose ends to do with 
and with percentages. E.g. what if multipyling by 100 or 1000 causes an
overflow. I've said in the draft that that generates infnity and you 
thus; it's an edge case that will probably only arise in testing.

Tim: I've updated the test suite.

DECISION: Mike's proposal for 28845 adopted (and is already in the 

J4.7.2 Bug 29146 - [FO31] fn:transform options update

We are going to ask the XSLT WG about this.
See ACTION A-619-02 Mike to move Bug 29146 to XSLT agenda

J4.7.3 Bug 29159 - [FO31] 14.2.1 fn:distinct-values

Change is to replace about 4 paragraphs with deep-equal

DECISION: Adopt 29159 to define distinct-values in term of deep-equal

ACTION A-619-03 Mike to make the change to F&O for 29159 and close the 

J4.7.4 Bug 29164 - [FO31] format-number() with first argument 0

format-number(0, '.#'), and format-number(0,'#.#') produce the empty 

This is a bug.

DECISION: Adopt change proposed in 29164 to format-number, comment 1
ACTION A-619-04 Mike to make the change to F&O for 29164 comment 1 and 
close the bug

J4.7.5 Bug 29172 - [FO31] Avoid anonymous types in schema for fn 

Mike proposes to change types to have names in schema-for-json.xsd
We get most value from schema-aware XQuery and XSLT processing if we use 
named types rather than anonymous types; the precise type is then 
available for use in SequenceType constructs of the form as="element(*, 

DECISION: Adopt bug 29172 - schema-for-json.xsd to use named types
ACTION A-619-05 Mike to make the change to F&O for 29172 and close the 

J4.7.6 Bug 10795 - provide alternate results for K2-SeqDocFunc-7 and 

(1) test doesn't allow invalid URI (e.g. a Windows file path)
(2) should say valid uri reference, not only a valid uri (see comment 3)
Mike Kay proposes an impl'n can raise invalid URI reference (FODC0005)

Note backslash (\) must be escaped in a URI but can be accepted if your
implentation handles LEIRIs.

DECISION: Adopt change in bug 10795 to F&O and to tests for invalid IRI 
(reference) in fn:doc()
ACTION A-619-05 Mike to make the change to F&O and tests for 10795 and 
close the bug

J4.8 Serialization 3.1 (Michael Sperberg-McQueen, Andy)

J4.8.0 Internal working draft


J4.9 XPath 3.1 (Jonathan)

J4.9.0 Internal working draft

J4.9.1 Bug 29119 - [XP31] xs:error always raises a type error

[Discussion about whether xs:error is needed]

Mike: The implication that xs:error was an unusual type was a mistake;
users can define types with no instances too. So instance-of always
returns false, treat-as always an error, etc.

Jonathan: I'd want to put all such things into a note

Side note: fn:error() does notuse xs:error as its type. But we
don't want to change it now.

<MikeK>  xs:error is a type that has no instances; it was defined in XML 
in the interests of making the type system complete and closed, and it 
is also
available in XQuery/XPath for similar reasons. Although the practical 
uses of
xs:error are limited, they are well-defined, and are consistent with the 
that xs:error is defined as a union type with no member types. For 
example: (X
instance of xs:error) is always false, etc etc

DECISION: close 29119 and accept [[
xs:error is a type that has no instances; it was defined in XML Schema 
in the
interests of making the type system complete and closed, and it is also
available in XQuery/XPath for similar reasons. Although the practical 
uses of
xs:error are limited, they are well-defined, and are consistent with the 
that xs:error is defined as a union type with no member types. For 
example: (X
instance of xs:error) is always false, etc etc

ACTION: jrobie to adopt 29119 and close the bug, e.g. using
xs:error is a type that has no instances; it was defined in XML Schema 
in the
interests of making the type system complete and closed, and it is also
available in XQuery/XPath for similar reasons. Although the practical 
uses of
xs:error are limited, they are well-defined, and are consistent with the 
that xs:error is defined as a union type with no member types. For 
example: (X
instance of xs:error) is always false, etc etc

J4.9.2 EXI 'changes' to JSON schema

[this came via XSLT]

Jonathan askes for time to consider this.

We'll come back to it at the next meeting (Oct 20th)
Liam: feedback would be useful in time for TPAC

J4.9.3 (addition to posted Agenda)

MK: first item is in tems of what's expected; then later bullets are in
terms of what _is_, and which bullets allow subtypes? The variation
in style is ocnfusing. Third, expected type is a sequence..., a type
isn't a sequence, only an instance.

"expected type" is what you write, or what you mean by what you write, 
varies in the list.

MikeK wants, e.g., If the expected type t satisfies t is subtype(...)
i.e. tighter prose.

[scribe couldn't minute discussion]

J4.10 Grammar Test Applets (Michael Dyck)

J4.10.1 Bugzilla Bug 13796, [Applet30] \u escaped characters in grammar

Status: Pending

J4.11 QT3 test suite (O'Neil)

J4.11.1 Status report on test suite, harness, tools

J4.11.2 Status of 3.1 tests

Status: Coverage is almost complete.

J4.11.3 Publication of test suite.

Status: Ready to discuss

J4.12 FT 3.1 test suite (???)

* Need test suite developer/manager

* Need tests

J5. Progression of Work

J5.1 XSLT 3.0, XQuery 3.1, XQueryX 3.1, XPath 3.1, XDM 3.1, F&O 3.1,
Serialization 3.1

J5.1.1 Current status

* In Candidate Recommendation; awaiting implementation reports

J5.1.2 Dependencies inhibiting progression

* Completion of test suite minimum-required-to-declare-victory

* Sufficient implementation experience and reports thereof

* Formal response to all comments, responses accepted by commenters

* PR Transition Request and authorization, PR pub request

* REC Transition Request and authorization, REC pub request

J5.2 Full Text 3.0

J5.2.1 Current Status

* Proposed Recommendation

J5.2.2 Dependencies inhibiting progression

* REC Transition Request and authorization, REC pub request

J5.3 Update 3.0

J5.3.1 Current Status

* In Last Call Working Draft

J5.3.2 Require owner of XQUF 3.0 Test Suite

J5.3.3 Dependencies inhibiting progression

* CR Transition Request and authorization, CR pub request

* Completion of test suite minimum-required-to-declare-victory

* Sufficient implementation experience and reports thereof

* Formal response to all comments, responses accepted by commenters

* PR Transition Request and authorization, PR pub request

* REC Transition Request and authorization, REC pub request

J6. Any other business

J6.1 Consideration of future work

J6.1.1 QT 3.2

The WGs decided that we will finish the 3.1 documents presently under 
but undertake no new work. Maintenance work should be planned upon for a
period of time after finishing the specifications.

J6.1.2 FT 3.1

EMC has expressed interest and is willing to provide resources

J6.1.3 Update 3.1

Unclear whether there is adequate interest or resources

J7. Adjourn

XML Query Working Group

Q1. The XML Query WG does not intend to maintains specs earlier than the
3.0 suite of documents; when the 3.1 suite reaches Recommendation,
maintenance of the 3.0 documents will be terminated.

Q1.0 This agenda item is reserved for reporting errors and other
problems reported against the 3.0 (later, 3.1) XML Query WG suite of

Status: Pending completion of ACTION A-592-02.

Q1.1 Bugzilla Bugs filed against the 3.0 suite of XML Query WG documents


Q2. Active Specification Development

Q2.1 XQuery Update Facility 3.0 (John)

Q2.1.0 Internal working draft

* The WG needs to obtain implementation experience with this document.

Q2.2 XQuery Update Facility 3.0 Requirements and Use Cases (Andy)

* The WGs need to be certain that this document is completed
(red/yellow/green bullets on requirements, all the use cases intended to
be published) and a decision made to advance it to WG Note.

Q2.3 XQuery 3.1 (Jonathan)

Q2.3.0 Internal working draft

Q2.3.1 Bug 29027 - [qt3] contextDecl-022

Status: Pending completion of A-614-13

Q2.3.2 Bug 29170 - [XQ31] Function and Variable Annotations

<jrobie> declare %xs:error function local:foo()
<jrobie> xs is a reserved namespace
<jrobie> that's the error to throw
<jrobie> don't say that users can create annotations, they can't
<jrobie> ditto for assertions

Item II in the report points to an asymmetry between assertions &
annotations. function assertion is not recognized vs namespace URI --
what if an annotation's local name is not known?

Ignore, or error?

<liam> myprod:readonly will protect me, myprod:raedonly will not protect 
me and will not warn me

Should it be an error? An implementation could choose to recognise every
local name, so not really a compatibility problem. We do this with
collations URIs.  So this is really implementation defined.

So we should say for annotations and assertions that the behaviour
on an unrecognized value is implementation defined, and similar to
collations, and we should do the same for pragmas.

Current (OK) text for pragmas is:
If an implementation recognizes the namespace of one or more pragmas in 
an ExtensionExpr, then the value of the ExtensionExpr, including its 
error behavior, is implementation-defined. For example, an 
implementation that recognizes the namespace of a pragma's expanded 
QName, but does not recognize the local part of the name, might choose 
either to raise an error or to ignore the pragma.

DECISION: annotations and assertions should behave in the same way as
pragmas for unrecognized local names / URI; this includes its error 
Don't say that users can create annotations or assertions, they can't;
This accepts bug 29170 comment 2.

ACTION A-619-07: jrobie to adopt 29170 comment 2 and close the bug, 
Don't say that users can create annotations or assertions, they can't;
annotations and assertions should behave in the same way as
pragmas for unrecognized local names / URI; this includes its error 

Q2.3.3 Bug 4378 - error in K2-NodeTest-21

Status: Ready to discuss [needs Josh]

Q2.3.4 [additional item from Jonathan regarding smart quotes]


MikeK: First, the name of the thing.

[some discussion on the name but no clear consensus]

Jonathan: does it look basically sane?


MikeK: sequences don't have a string value. I'd say atmized and then 
case to xs:string. Do we allow sequences and if so what do we do with 

I wrote the tests on the assumption it'd be atomized, like fn:concat()

DECISION: smart quotes: treat interpolated expressions as if surrounded 
xs:string(), e.g.  string-join($i ! xs:string(.))

Q2.4 XQueryX 3.1 (Josh)

Q2.4.0 Internal working draft


Q3. Test Suite Development

Q3.1 Update Facility 3.0 Test Suite (????)

* Need test suite developer/manager

* Need tests

Q4. Any other business

Q5. Adjourn


Liam Quin, W3C
XML Activity Lead;
Digital publishing; HTML Accessibility

Received on Tuesday, 6 October 2015 17:06:53 UTC