Changes to C14N20 for ACTION-794, ACTION-799 and ACTION-800

Changes for whitespace
In Section 2.3, added this line into "Text Nodes"
 - Whitespace consists of space (#x20) characters, carriage returns, line feeds, or tabs.

Changes for prefix rewrite
 - Added new section 2.5.2 Namespace Prefix Rewriting
 - Modified section 2.5.3 , Removed Step 1, and added a new Step 3 for prefix rewriting
 - Changed example,   earlier the wsu prefix would map to n1, and then n2. Now it maps to n1 only

Changed section 4 the pseudocode in many places
 - This still had references to inclusive canonicalization and xml attributes. Removed them
 - changed the processElement, processText and processNamespaces function to properly do prefix rewriting.


Received on Monday, 6 June 2011 07:36:05 UTC