Re: Proposed changes to XML Encryption 1.1 CR Draft


That would be helpful - thanks!

The other item I was wondering about was PKCS1 section 6 on not using same keys with different algs etc whether we should note that in our best practices or other docs somewhere - seems obvious but maybe we should repeat it somewhere.

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch

On Aug 10, 2011, at 5:30 PM, ext Cantor, Scott E. wrote:

> On 8/10/11 5:10 PM, ""
> <> wrote:
>> We could argue all these changes are editorial as #1 is advice on proper
>> use that reflects what is already in PKCS1.
> Based on the discussions I've had, I think we should also rework some of
> the text related to the use of each algorithm with different key types. If
> you read the wording in the PKCS 1.5 section, it gives you these hints
> that can be read to imply that 1.5 is suggested for use with 3DES and OAEP
> for AES. But really it just meant that interop required people to support
> 1.5 with 3DES, not that you should favor it for 3DES if you have a choice.
> I can take an action to suggest changes, but I don't have anything
> explicit to suggest yet.
> -- Scott

Received on Wednesday, 10 August 2011 22:40:27 UTC