Re: ECDSA, "plain" vs "non-plain"

Thomas Roessler schrieb:
> we actually *don't* use the ASN.1 sequence, in other words, we're
> going for the "plain" alternative anyway.
Rigth in XMLDSIG all DSA, ECDSA variants concatenate (r||s) and base64
encode it, there is no ASN.1 encoding here.
> That, to me, suggests that we only coin identifiers for the "plain"
> variants of ECDSA-RIPEMD160 (and -whirlpool),

Okay, maybe it's best to ignore the BSI variants and only specify:

#ecdsa-ripemd160 identifies a signature method processed in the same way as specified by the #ecdsa-sha1 with the exception that RIPEMD160 is used instead of SHA-1.

#ecdsa-whirlpool fragment identifies a signature method processed in the same way as specified by the #ecdsa-sha512 fragment with the exception that WHIRLPOOL is used instead of SHA-512.

#rsa-whirlpool fragment identifies a signature method processed in the same way as specified by the #rsa-sha512 fragment with the exception that WHIRLPOOL is used instead of SHA-512

This is possible in such brevity, because they are in line with what is currently specified in XMLDSIG so that's all the text needed.

> and dont bother with the non-plain ones.

If we would bother however ...

The problem is that the BSI calls their variant "plain" although it's
distinct only by the fact that _the hash value is modulo reduced as
opposed to truncated_ (latter as in XMLDSIG, resp. fips-186-2 /
fips-186-3 draft rep. X9.62).
So the BSI variant (which they call "plain", should have better call it
"not-truncated-hash" or so) is not compatible with X9.62 .

For the BSI variant (if we want to cover it) one could write
"-non-trunc" instead of "-plain" as this emphasizes the real difference.


Specified in:
German BSI Technical Guideline TR-03111

Note: #ecdsa-ripemd160-non-trunc identifies a signature method processed
in the same way as specified by the #ecdsa-ripemd160 fragment. If
however the hash length is larger than the domain parameter length the
hash is not truncated like in X9.62; rather it is reduced modulo n, the
order of the base point G.


Specified in:
German BSI Technical Guideline TR-03111
cf. ecdsa-with-Specified where "Specified" is WHIRLPOOL.

The #ecdsa-whirlpool-non-trunc fragment identifies a signature method
processed in the same way as specified by the #ecdsa-whirlpool fragment.
If  however the hash length is larger than the domain parameter length
the hash is not truncated like in X9.62; rather it is reduced modulo n,
the order of the base point G.

best regards

Konrad Lanz, IAIK/SIC - Graz University of Technology
Inffeldgasse 16a, 8010 Graz, Austria
Tel: +43 316 873 5547
Fax: +43 316 873 5520

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Received on Thursday, 7 May 2009 11:24:52 UTC