Re: DName space encoding

Dear all,

maybe it's worth to have a look at the postings following at the end of
this mail.
After reading them I would presume the last "\20" escaped characters
sole purpose was to allow people to add whitespace after the last
That whitespace should be considered insignificant for the DNAME.

The following shows the discussions essence, however  I strongly doubt
that there is a "real" value in allowing this for future signature
creation. It's rather confusing and we should drop it.

Why would someone really care to type a DNAME as follows

  <DName>CN=foo \20

instead of

  <DName>CN=foo \ </DName>

or am I missing something here?

My proposal hence is still to be more stringent about the RFC 2253
interpretation and not to work with plain vanilla whitespace trimming
that makes a "\20" ending necessary for a DNAME. (cf. sections ##3## and
##4## in the proposal in

The burden to trim every whitespace but the one whitespace preceded by a
"\" is minimal to any average programmer.

Nevertheless please make up your own mind by following the discussion I
discovered in the archives and let me know whether you agree. :
> > The escaping is useful because:
> > 
> >            <DName>CN=foo
> >            </DName> :
> Taking the whole RFC 2253 encoded name leads to the problem that
> insignificant white space will turn into significant whitespace
> after one round of encoding and decoding
> 1. The schema will not prevent people from having leading or trailing
> whitespace in the content of KeyName (and it shouldn't!).  The spec will
> just say that any leading and trailing whitespace MUST be trimmed to obtain
> the actual KeyName.
> 2. The code will look something like this:
>   Node nodeKeyName = XPathAPI.selectNode(doc, "//KeyName/text()");  // get
> the text content of <KeyName>
>   String strNodeKeyName = nodeKeyName.nodeValue();
>   String strKeyName = strNodeKeyName.trim();
>   KeyResolver.resolveWithKeyName(strKeyName);


Konrad Lanz, IAIK/SIC - Graz University of Technology
Inffeldgasse 16a, 8010 Graz, Austria
Tel: +43 316 873 5547
Fax: +43 316 873 5520

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Received on Monday, 18 June 2007 19:54:24 UTC