Resigning from the XProc WG


I’m not sure to whom the chair addresses his resignation. Regardless,
with deep regret, I find that I must tender my resignation from the
XML Processing Model working Group. Changing priorities with my
employer and the somewhat bleak prospects for a W3C Recommendation for
XProc in the short term force me to step back for a while.

It’s hard to believe that we started this journey more than a decade
ago (records show that I sent a welcome message to the newly chartered
WG on 23 November, 2005). We were a great team and I’m proud of what
we accomplished, even if it hasn’t ascended to be the new hotness on
late night television. It’s been great fun working with you all and I
will miss you.

I’ll still be around at the same email addresses and the same
conferences. I still care deeply about our XML technologies, so if
there’s anything I can do personally to help out, please don’t
hesitate to ask.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
Lead Engineer
MarkLogic Corporation
Phone: +1 512 761 6676

Received on Thursday, 16 June 2016 13:07:59 UTC