Error semantics

Consider this pipeline of sequential steps:

<p:pipeline ...>
  <p:warning-a ...>

       <p:warning-b ...>
       <p:error ...>

  <p:warning-c ...>

Where the "warning" steps write to their error port but don't fail.
The error step writes to its error port and fails.

If I read the errors in the catch, ...

 - [May I | Must I | Must I Not] see the warnings generated by warning-a?
 - [May I | Must I | Must I Not] see the warnings generated by warning-b?
 - [May I | Must I | Must I Not] see the warnings generated by error?

If I read the errors after warning-c, what can I/must I/must I not see?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | A censor is a man who knows more than            | he thinks you ought to.--Granville Hacks

Received on Monday, 19 May 2008 08:49:36 UTC