Re: I think p:import-schema is too big and too late for V1

/ was heard to say:
|> I feel very strongly that we should not put schema awareness into
|> XProc V1.
| Just to be sure: Is the above sentence about p:schema-import only or
| does it also relate to PSVI support?

Just p:schema-import, that was badly worded on my part. Sorry.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Those who in their youth did not live            | in self-harmony, and who did not gain
                              | the true treasures of life, are later
                              | like long-legged old herons standing
                              | sadly by a lake without fish.--The
                              | Dhammapada

Received on Friday, 25 July 2008 14:35:34 UTC