Re: p:namespaces proposals


On 22 Jul 2008, at 18:13, Norman Walsh wrote:
> |> We also say:
> |>
> |>  It is a dynamic error (err:XD0013) if the specified
> |>  namespace bindings are inconsistent; that is, if the same prefix  
> is
> |>  bound to two different namespace names.
> |>
> |> Do we really want that? Does it make more sense to construct the
> |> mapping in the order in which the p:namespace elements are  
> specified
> |> and just say that if the same prefix is defined multiple times, the
> |> last binding wins?
> |
> | I'd be OK with that as long as there's wording to imply that the
> | processor should give the user a warning in that case.
> I don't think we can tell implementations that they must issue  
> warnings.

'Tis why I used the word "should".

Jeni Tennison

Received on Wednesday, 23 July 2008 07:00:33 UTC