XProc Agenda 3 July 2008

See http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2008/07/03-agenda

XProc Agenda 03 Jul 2008

Meeting 118.

The XML Processing Model (XProc) WG will meet on Thursday, 03 Jul 2008 at
11:00a EST[1] (08:00a PST, 16:00GMT, 17:00CET, 01:00JST+, 09:30p India)
for one hour on the W3C Zakim Bridge, +1-617-761-6200 (or
+33-4-89-06-34-99 or +44-117-370-6152), passcode 97762# ("XPROC").

XProc uses the #xproc IRC channel on irc.w3.org:6665 (or via the web
interface[2]). The IRC channel is used for managing agendas, minutes, and
other aspects of the teleconference, so please join us there if at all

See the XProc WG[3] page for pointers to current documents and other
information. If you have additions to the agenda, please email them to the
WG list before the start of the telcon.

 1. Administrivia
      1. Roll call.
      2. Accept this agenda[4].
      3. Accept the minutes[5] of 26 Jun 2008.
      4. Next meeting: 10 Jul 2008.
      5. Open actions
           1. ACTION-2008-05-08-02: Alex to review unescape-markup and see
              if any clarification seems to be needed
           2. ACTION-2008-05-08-03: Richard to attempt to clarify the
              prose of unescape-markup with respect to the XML
              Declaration, document types, XML version, etc.
           3. ACTION-2008-05-08-04: Alex to specify the default value for
           4. ACTION-2008-05-15-01: Norm to fix the minutes of 1 May
           5. ACTION-2008-05-15-02: Henry to consider what to do about
              [validation root] property inside viewport
           6. ACTION-2008-05-29-02: Norm to investigate the functions
              added by XSLT and draft some prose for the spec.
           7. ACTION-2008-06-05-01: Norm to incorporate the suggestion to
              clarify the types of nodes matched by the steps into the
              next draft
           8. ACTION-2008-06-05-02: Norm replace the random dynamic errors
              with the five so agreed.
           9. ACTION-2008-06-05-03: Norm to fix the patterns so that they
              don't have the same prefix in 4.7 and 4.8
          10. ACTION-2008-06-05-04/05/06: Norm to investigate and fix
              various aspects of http-requst [partially done, I think,
          11. ACTION-2008-06-12-01: Alex to add an a**initial-only'
              attribute to split-sequence
          12. ACTION-2008-06-12-02: Alex to draft a Note to add to 7.3
              explaining that we don't give simple defaults, behaviour wrt
              missing options is complex and you have to read
              [Serialization] to find out
          13. ACTION-2008-06-12-03: Alex to add an error to 7.3 to cover
              all other parameter-related Serialization errors
          14. ACTION-2008-06-19-01: Alex to add a note to the spec to
              indicate that we'll only do one level (of multi-part
          15. ACTION-2008-06-19-02: Norm/Alex to construct comprehensive
              examples of http-request for the test suite.
 2. Technical
      1. Comments on latest editor's draft?
      2. Consider schema imports[6].
      3. Clarify unescape markup[7].
 3. Any other business

[1] http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=07&day=03&year=2008&hour=11&min=0&sec=0&p1=43
[2] http://www.w3.org/2001/01/cgi-irc
[3] http://www.w3.org/XML/Processing/
[4] http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2008/07/03-agenda.html
[5] http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2008/06/26-minutes.html
[6] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xml-processing-model-wg/2008Jun/0047.html
[7] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xml-processing-model-wg/2008May/0094.html

 $Author: NormanWalsh $
 Last revised $Date: 2008/07/02 14:28:49 $

Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2008 14:30:32 UTC