pipeline library


A while ago we have discussed a bit about adding an attribute to specify 
pipeline defaulting on pipeline libraries, similarly to make and Ant's 
target defaulting. But I guess it has been forgotten since.

Adding this attribute to p:pipeline-library would allow for directly 
running pipeline libraries without specifying the initial pipeline to be 
run, a nice feature for self contained XProc-based applications and 
automation scripts (both XProc usages that must not be taken into account).

This feature isn't cumbersome to implement, easy to understand from 
author's point of view, and has a minimal impact on the spec.

I propose an attribute @default, as an NCName (in consonance with 
p:pipeline's @name), or QName (in consonance with p:pipeline's @type).

To prevent ambiguity, if a pipeline library imports other libraries and 
if it defines its default pipeline, it will shadow all of the imported 
libraries' @default attributes.



Received on Friday, 21 September 2007 10:37:15 UTC