Re: One or more...

/ Innovimax SARL <> was heard to say:
| On 5/22/07, Norman Walsh <> wrote:
|> / Erik Bruchez <> was heard to say:
|> | But in section 4.1, p:input and p:output are optional. So a pipeline
|> | may have zero input document and zero output document. If so (and it
|> | was my understanding that this was possible) the sentence above should
|> | be revised and say:
|> It may have zero inputs and/or zero outputs, but a pipeline that
|> processes zero documents isn't going to be very useful. :-)
| That could be an abuse of XProc
| input are URL defined inside the pipeline (zero input) and outputs are
| written directly by component (xslfo and store)
| So no input and no output, but USEFUL !!

No input and no output, but the pipeline does process one or more
documents, namely the one it read from the URL!

|> But I'll do
|> something about the wording so it's less confusing.

I don't think there's any disagreement over what should be (and is)
possible, only the possible ambiguity in the introduction.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | All the good maxims already exist in            | the world; we just fail to apply
                              | them.-- Pascal

Received on Tuesday, 22 May 2007 12:51:04 UTC