Re: New draft...sortof

/ Innovimax SARL <> was heard to say:
| On 6/21/07, Norman Walsh <> wrote:
|> / Innovimax SARL <> was heard to say:
|> | In 2.7.1 System Properties
|> |
|> | Can we ask that p:episode has to respect NCName production ?
|> No. It has to be a QName so that vendors can add extensions in their
|> own namespace.
| Oups ! I was talking about the content of p:episode...

The content? It's used like this:


I'm not sure what content you mean.

|> I'm not sure I expect atomic steps to be able to evaluate p:* functions.
|> (They can in my impl, but wouldn't be able to in, for example, Richard's.)
| Hum...don't like that
| so I cannot use p:episode in string replace for example ?
| I'm not sure, I want such limitation

You can always let the processor do the evaluation:

    <p:option name="match" value="TEMPID"/>
    <p:option name="replace" select="concat('foo-', p:system-property('p:episode'))"/>

|> | In 5.4 p:xpath-context Element
|> |
|> | Why p:xpath-context cannot be defaulted to the default readable port ?
|> The spec says:
|>   Only one binding is allowed and it works the same way that bindings
|>   work on a p:input.
|> That's supposed to imply that the default binding is the default
|> readable port, but I can make that more explicit.
| But right now p:xpath-context cannot have an empty content...

Oh, sorry. I think that's just an oversight. Fixed.

|> | @match vs @select
|> | not sure to understand the limitation for the use of @match instead of
|> | @select for :
|> | * p:insert (why a match pattern, if I want to add a title in each nested divs ?)
|> | * p:rename (why a match pattern, if I want to rename all the divs
|> | nested or not ?)
|> Hmmm. Maybe select makes more sense for insert and rename (and delete,
|> where it doesn't matter, but I think it should be consistent with
|> insert and rename)...
| So what can be the proposal here :
| Put select everywhere we don't want to allow nesting ?
| Or do we decorrelate both (@match vs @select / nesting vs non nesting) ?

I'm not sure.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | We learn from experience that not            | everything which is incredible is
                              | untrue.--Cardinal De Retz

Received on Sunday, 24 June 2007 19:37:01 UTC