Re: p:directory step

/ Innovimax SARL <> was heard to say:
| That's interesting but how hard it will be with such a construct
| to have the sequence of all files in a directory (non recusive)?
| <p:directory-list name="list" path="." filter="*.xml"/>
|  <p:for-each>
|     <p:iteration-source select="//c:file"/>
|     <p:output port="result"/>
|     <p:load href="{/c:file/@name}"/>
|  </p:for-each>
| Would that work ?

Except for the AVT, yes.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | One should always be a little            | improbable.--Oscar Wilde

Received on Tuesday, 24 July 2007 16:57:37 UTC