Re: xsl:message of XSLT

Alex Milowski wrote:
> On 7/15/07, Innovimax SARL <> wrote:
>> Do we give a way to get the output on message of an xslt step ?
> No, but that's an interesting idea.
> We'd have to make it into XML first.
> Since many transformations do not use xsl:message, that output
> would often be empty.
> I'm not sure I really want to add an extra output port for this but I
> could be convinced otherwise.

I *think* that XSLT messages should go on the error port. I don't think 
you can get at those messages (in order to save them to a file, say) 
unless the step actually fails (which it would do if xsl:message had 
terminate="yes", but not if it didn't).

Perhaps the document on the error output port gets put somewhere 
implementation-defined when the pipeline completes, if the pipeline 
hasn't failed.

Jeni Tennison

Received on Sunday, 15 July 2007 19:08:05 UTC