XSLT non-XML output (was: standard components edits)

Hi Jeni,

On 4/17/07, Jeni Tennison <jeni@jenitennison.com> wrote:
> Hi Mohamed,
> > Ok so the output of an XSLT transformation of type text or html should
> > be outputted to a parameter, is it ?
> IMO, the result of an XSLT transformation is always a (sequence of)
> documents (node trees). It's only when they're serialised (a separate
> step, with no output) that you might get a text or HTML document.

That's interesting ! And I share part of your concern

But are we going to tell to people that already have crafted their
foo2csv or foo2html xslt stylesheet, that if they want to put it into
XProc, they won't be able to do that ?

I'm not telling I want all and everything in XProc because people
would ask it, but if we want  XProc to ignit fast, we have to take at
least care of one transformation : XSLT !!

So, lots of people won't see any added value, if they need to rebuild
their stylesheet (even personnaly, I'm pleased to refactor my
stylesheet, but I want to be able to use XProc before needing to do

Am I the only to feel something is missing here ?

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Received on Tuesday, 17 April 2007 08:55:31 UTC