Re: standard components edits

/ Innovimax SARL <> was heard to say:
| So that's it !
| We finally arrive at the point, I was fearing at the beginning
| A simple typing "à la XSLT" would suffice for 99% of the case
| a default type of XML and it has to be connected to a XML type (you
| have nothing to precise in this case)

If I understand you correctly, you're suggesting that ports be
"typed". So some ports are "text" ports and some are "xml" ports. You
can only connect together ports of the same type.

How does that actually solve the problem at hand? By having multiple

  <p:declare-step type="p:validate-relax-ng">
    <p:input port="schema-xml" type="xml" .../>
    <p:input port="schema-rnc" type="text" .../>

Then you need co-constraints. Or maybe you're thinking that ports
should be polymorphic? So the "schema" port of the component accepts
either "xml" or "text" depending on what sort of output its connected

That still leaves the question of who decides what's actually flowing
through the pipe and how and when.

I'm not sure I like the idea, but I am (pretty) sure I don't want to
tackle that in V1.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
XML Standards Architect
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Received on Friday, 13 April 2007 17:47:04 UTC