RE: Match Pattern Proposal

I prefer select semantics all around.

Given (per Richard's comment) match semantics don't
help with the streaming issue, what (other than
personal preference) are the advantages of match
over select?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On 
> Behalf Of Norman Walsh
> Sent: Thursday, 2006 November 02 08:56
> To:
> Subject: Re: Match Pattern Proposal
> We've discussed allowing XPath expressions of some form in 
> five places:
> on choose/when, on parameters, on inputs, on viewport, and on 
> for-each.
> On choose/when and parameters, I think they have to be select
> expressions. And in any event, they don't select nodes so it's not
> quite the same thing.
> On input, viewport, and for-each, it seems like we have three choices:
> 1. Use 'select' semantics in every case.
> 2. Use 'match' semantics in every case.
> 3. Use 'select' semantics for some and 'match' for others.
> I have a marginal preference for 1 or 2 on the basis that it's easier
> to explain to users. And I think select semantics are easier 
> to explain
> and make more sense in the case of p:input, so I favor 1.
> But Alex and Henry have both expressed a preference for match
> semantics at least on viewport and maybe on for-each.
> What do others think?
>                                         Be seeing you,
>                                           norm
> -- 
> Norman Walsh
> XML Standards Architect
> Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Received on Thursday, 2 November 2006 15:00:27 UTC