Re: Straight-through or Other Processing?

/ Alex Milowski <> was heard to say:
| As I see it, we have three kinds of processing models we can
| consider:
| 1. Straight-through: a pipeline is a sequence of steps where each step's
|     output is chained to the next.
| 2. A dependancy-based model where steps have input dependancies.  A
|     target is choosen and the sequence of steps is determined by chasing
|     these inputs down.
| 3. A parallel model where any step can ask for an additional model and
|     that causes another pipeline "chain" to execute--possibly in
|     parallel.
| It is my belief that (1) is the simplest core and the minimum bar for
| our first specification (and hence a requirement).
| (2) has been tried and found to be a hard way to think about this... but
| it works for people who like ant, make, etc.
| (3) is a natural extension to (1).
| In terms of implementations, smallx uses (1) and, I believe, sxpipe does
| (3).

No, sxpipe is uses (1). The pipeline submission that Sun (et. al.)
provided for the processing model workshop does (3), but that's not
what SXPipe implements.

I think I'd like to avoid the dependency-style solution if we can,
though I'm by no means sure that we can.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman.Walsh@Sun.COM / XML Standards Architect / Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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