Re: Requirements Document Updated

[All: This email is only discussing typos in the Requirements and Use
Cases document. So feel free to skip it :)]
[Alex: I send you this same information earlier this morning in
private. I am resending this to the list per your request, to make
tracking of changes easier.]

Hi Alex,

Just some typos that I noticed going through the document:

* Under "Status of this Document": s/is an continuation/is a continuation/.
* Under "Design Principles" / "Straightforward Core Implementation":
s/sophisticated implementation that their own/sophisticated
implementation that implements its own/ (just a suggestion, I'm not
sure exactly how you wanted to put this).
* Under "Design Principles" / "Infoset Processing": s/should be
allow/should be allowed/.

Blog (XML, Web apps, Open Source):

Received on Thursday, 9 February 2006 20:19:39 UTC