Re: Document Templating Steps updated

On 19 December 2010 21:19, Norman Walsh wrote:


> I've updated the note


  I was a bit worried that "inside an XPath expression, strings
quoted by single (') or double (") quotes are treated literally",
as this seemed to require an implementation to fully parse XPath
expressions while searching the template for expressions.

  But it seems your state machine handles all cases correctly,
even double-escaped quotes within XPath strings.

  Congrats!  That's going to be a very useful step!  Especially
the fact that nodes are not atomized when the expression appears
within element content.  By the way, how are handled whitespaces
in the following template?:

       <p:input port="template">
             <root> {

  Is there a text node with one space right after the opening
root tag, and a text node with one linefeed and whitespaces right
before the closing root tag?


Florent Georges

Received on Monday, 20 December 2010 00:14:35 UTC