RE: A (hopefully comprehensive) versioning proposal


many thanks for spending your time on this. See below for my

> ============================================================
> Proposal 1: Add a version attribute.
> The version attribute is allowed on any element. On an element in the
> XProc namespace, it is "version" in no namespace. On an element not in
> the XProc namespace, it is "p:version" in the XProc namespace.

Are you suggesting we could use p:version on, for instance, c:data,
c:directory or c:request?
I can probably see what you were aiming at (we may decide to add new
elements to the c:request model in Vnext), but I don't really see how
this can work in practice. It seems to me you would have to add some
intelligence to steps that consume (and probably produce?) documents in
the xproc-step namespace, so that they can filter them based on

Personally, I wouldn't support "p:version" on non-XProc elements. I
would just say that you have to use "p:use-when" in this case.

> ============================================================
> Proposal 2: The version attribute is required on top-level
> p:pipeline, p:declare-step, and p:library elements.

+1 from me. Just a question: At the moment, we allow explicitly
importing a standard XProc library using p:import. With the "version"
attribute, shouldn't we make this forbidden? Because with the "version"
attribute and the defaulting rules, the processor would always know what
to do.

> ============================================================
> Proposal 3: Add a use-when attribute
> The use-when attribute is allowed on any element. On an element in the
> XProc namespace, it is "use-when" in no namespace. On an 
> element not in
> the XProc namespace, it is "p:use-when" in the XProc namespace.


So, if you wan't to preserve p:use-when elements in your XML documents,
you would either have to escape/unescape the documents (p:escape-markup,
p:unescape-markup), or make them external, right?

> ============================================================
> Proposal 3: Attempt to treate unknown XProc step types as 
> dynamic errors
> Pipelines that attempt to unconditionally evaluate unknown step types
> are guaranteed to fail. It's possible that some new XProc steps may
> have attributes or children that a previous processor could not be
> expected to interpret.
> In order to minimize the disruption such elements cause, while at the
> same time making it as easy as possible to write pipelines that will
> run in fowards-compatible mode on an earlier processor, we adopt the
> following rules:
> In forwards-compatible mode:
> Steps in the XProc namespace which the processor does not recognize
> are marked invalid. It is a dynamic error (err:XD00??) to attempt to
> evaluate a step that is marked invalid.
> Any subpipeline that directly contains a step which has been marked
> invalid is also invalid.
> If a p:when directly contains an unknown XProc step type, that entire
> branch is marked invalid. No static analysis is performed on the steps
> within that pipeline. It is a dynamic error (err:XD00??) if that
> branch of the p:choose is selected at runtime.

I think you *MUST* statically check the pipe bindings in the branch; not
doing so may break the dependency graph. The steps in the when- or
otherwise- branch may contain dependencies on steps outside p:choose,
and not statically checking the branch may result in the p:choose being
executed before the steps it actually depends on!

> If a p:group inside a p:try directly contains an unknown XProc step
> type, that group is marked invalid. No static analysis is performed on
> the steps within that group. An attempt to evaluate the p:try will
> immediately evaluate the p:catch with an empty errors port.

Again, I think the same as with p:choose applies here and you MUST do
some sort of static analysis in p:group in p:try and p:catch.

> If all of the branches of a p:choose or p:try are invalid, the
> p:choose or p:try is treated as if it had no primary output port.


> ============================================================
> Proposal 4: Support binding defaults in forwards-compatible mode
> In forwards-compatible mode:
> It is not a static error to encounter an unknown XProc step type. Such
> steps are assumed to have no primary input ports, no primary output
> ports, and no parameter input ports. It is a static error if, under
> these assumptions, a valid dependency graph cannot be constructed.
> It is not a static error to encounter explicit bindings to unknown
> ports on an XProc step type. Such bindings are assumed to be correct.
> Dynamically, a step must ignore all inputs that appear on an unknown
> input port and must produce an empty sequence of documents on unknown
> output ports.


> ============================================================

> E. Dynamic errors 1
> The following pipeline is statically valid to an XProc 1.0 processor
> and will run without errors.
>   <p:pipeline version="2.0">
>     <p:choose>
>       <p:when test="system-property('p:version') &gt; 1.0">
>         <p:fribble/>
>         <p:sink/>
>       </p:when>
>       <p:otherwise>
>         <p:identity/>
>       </p:otherwise>
>     </p:choose>
>   </pipeline>

> The first p:when branch is marked invalid because it contains the
> unknown (from the 1.0 perspective) step p:fribble. As a result, no
> static analysis is performed on that subpipeline

Again, I think you have to check the pipe bindings in the branch

> and that subpipeline
> does not contribute to the constraint that all the branches of a
> p:choose must declare the same outputs.

Hmm. Even if the when branch explicitly declared the outputs, or if the
last step of the subpipeline is a known step?

> K. Static errors 2
> This pipeline is statically *in*valid:
>   <p:pipeline version="2.0">
>     <p:choose>
>       <p:when test="system-property('p:version') &gt; 1.0">
>         <p:unknown/>
>       </p:when>
>       <p:otherwise>
>         <p:unknown/>
>       </p:otherwise>
>     </p:choose>
>   </p:pipeline>
> There's nothing for the p:output on the p:pipeline to bind to by
> default.

Because all branches of p:choose are invalid and they don't participate
in the test that all branches have the same output signature - and
therefore the p:choose has no output ports, right?
> I haven't attempted to propose what a 1.0 processor should do if the
> 2.0 step declarations are loaded and they differ from what it expected
> in 1.0.

I mentioned that earlier, but is there still any point in supporting
importing standard XProc step declarations if we introduce the required
"version" attribute?


Received on Friday, 16 October 2009 10:34:56 UTC