RE: Primary output port in p:viewport

> Presuming you meant those to be output ports, so we have
>  <p:declare-step>
>    <p:output port="one"/>
>    <p:output port="two" primary="true"/>
>  </p:declare-step>
>  "... a step has more than one output port and _none is 
> explicitly marked_
>   as the primary," [emphasis added]
> I don't see how the above words apply to this case --  *two* _is_
> explicitly marked as primary.  Or am I missing something?

I think I must have had a complete reversal of my mind. Of course I
meant this:

  <p:output port="one"/>
  <p:output port="two" primary="false"/>


Received on Thursday, 23 July 2009 10:30:58 UTC