Re: exclude-inline-prefixes - #default writes:
> Sorry that I keep asking again and again about
> exclude-inline-prefixes... But what is the true meaning of the value
> #default in exclude-inline-prefixes?

It means to exclude the default namespace from the bindings present on
the inline content.

> I thought that when the processor encounters #default, it collects all
> prefixes that are bound to the default namespace URI at that moment.
> Later, in p:inline, these prefixes will be excluded in the inline
> content. (Some of these prefixes may appear in the content if they are
> used there, or if they were rebound to some different namespace URI.)

The use of prefixes is purely for authoring convenience. What actually
get excluded are the namespaces, just like XSLT's exclude-result-prefixes.

> But...  The test exclude-inline-prefixes-003 expects a different
> behavior:
>  <p:identity>
>     <p:input port="source" xmlns="">
>       <p:inline exclude-inline-prefixes="#default"><doc/></p:inline>
>     </p:input>
>  </p:identity>
> The test is expected to return: <doc/>. That is, it "lifts" the document
> from the default namespace.
> Is this really what #default means?

Oh. That's an interesting question. Maybe I've got this wrong. Let me do
a little investigation.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Simplicity is always a virtue.--Edward            | Abbey

Received on Thursday, 11 December 2008 14:24:51 UTC