action - schema pas - changes and possible 2nd edition


I see in XML Core minutes,

We need to see if any of the changes are normative.
It appears that none of the changes require a chance
in the test suite.

David has produced a table outlining his thoughts on the
normativity of the various changes at
though the formatting there doesn't appear to work well.
You can view the table better at

ACTION to David and Liam:  Discuss the changes we are
making to the XML Schema spec and determine what our
next step should be in terms of pushing this through
to a new edition.

If there are no changes needed to the test suite then the changes are not normative (or the other way round...) and we can make a 2nd edition PER and have it published fairly easily; it woud need to go through an AC review.

Looking at the table of changes, can we determine whether there were tests for issue 7985 and/or 16785 (simpleContent and explicitTimezone)? If so, how are they affected by this change?

On 16868, allowing processors to raise an error for import as well as include -- since failing to reolve would previously in any case have been an error condition, I don't see how to test this: the spec would be sanctioning something that already happens.

So it comes down to what implementations do for explicitTimezone, and whether we're correcting an inconsistency in the spec (schema for schemas does not match spec).
I am not certain implementations would make a change in this area today in either direction, so it might be that *in practice* we would have to say support was implementation dependent for the revised schema. But if they already turn out to support the proposed change to the shcmea (because they follow the spec), then a very simple test report would suffice. Who would be best to check that?


Liam Quin - XML Activity Lead, W3C,
Pictures from old books:

Received on Tuesday, 2 December 2014 15:20:16 UTC