XInclude 1.1 progress [was: Minutes for XML Core WG telcon of 2012 September 5]

It occurs to me that we should be sure to publish an FPWD
for XInclude 1.1 by mid-October so that it will have been
out before TPAC.  That gives us Sept 19 and Oct 3 telcons,
and it would be best to be able to approve the FPWD for
publication on our Oct 3 telcon so that I can request
publication around October 9.

Does this seem like a reasonable/doable schedule?

Norm, please have a look at the XInclude errata at
It looks like there is one simple erratum that
we will want to incorporate into XInclude 1.1.


On 2012-09-05 11:06, Paul Grosso wrote:
>> 5.  XInclude 1.1--see
>> On 2012 February 14, we published
>> XInclude 1.1 Requirement and Use Cases
>> Norm created a first draft XInclude 1.1 which is at
>> Some email discussion has already occurred at
>> ACTION to members of the WG:  Review the draft at
>> and comment before or during our telcon on Sept 5.
> Paul, Norm, Jirka, and John have reviewed and have no
> comments (other than the items listed "TO DO").
> ACTION to Henry, Glenn, Daniel, Mohamed, Liam:  Review
> and comment on the XInclude 1.1 draft.
> ACTION to Norm:  Add some examples, change "resource error"
> to "recoverable error", and make a general sanity check pass
> on the XInclude 1.1 draft.
> ACTION to Paul:  Propose SOTD wording for a FPWD.

Received on Wednesday, 5 September 2012 16:34:20 UTC