Re: AssocSS Issue kay-3 [was: my thoughts on Mike Kay's AssocSS comments]

Grosso, Paul scripsit:

> Here is the latest in the "charset on xml-stylesheet pi" issue on
> which I hope you can comment.  This is recorded as Issue kay-3 at
> .

To recap what I said in the meeting:  charset is never anything more than
a hint which a browser can use to discard spreadsheets whose encoding it
cannot handle, or a last-resort mechanism of determining the encoding
if neither the HTTP header nor the document contains any information.
Not having an XML encoding declaration means that the encoding of an
XML document is UTF-8 if there is no 16-BOM, or UTF-16 if there is,
so in effect it is true that the charset PA is fairly worthless for
stylesheets written in XML.

John Cowan
If a traveler were informed that such a man [as Lord John Russell] was
leader of the House of Commons, he may well begin to comprehend how the
Egyptians worshiped an insect.  --Benjamin Disraeli

Received on Wednesday, 27 January 2010 21:41:17 UTC