Re: FW: Selectors API in Last Call

Grosso, Paul scripsit:
> Any volunteers to review this for XML Core?

I have just done so (it's short enough).  The only XML Core issue I see is that a great
deal of fuss is made about the possibility of supporting case-insensitive namespace
prefixes by providing a suitable namespace resolver object (or function) that case-folds
the prefix before mapping it to a namespace.  Probably 10% of the document is concerned
with this possibility.

I don't see what it's all about.  Obviously a general-purpose resolver could accept
not only prefixes in the wrong case, but prefixes spelled backwards, too.  What of it?

Here lies the Christian,                        John Cowan
        judge, and poet Peter,        
Who broke the laws of God             
        and man and metre.

Received on Sunday, 23 December 2007 17:05:13 UTC