Re: John Cowan pushes back on IRIs in [baseURI]

Richard Tobin scripsit:

> I should have also quoted the rest of that sentence, since it makes the
> case even stronger:
>    but it may include escaped characters if these were specified in
>    the document, or returned by a server in the case of redirection.
> The implication seems clear that if the document does *not* have the
> characters escaped (and there has been no redirection) then the [base
> URI] property should have the original unescaped characters.

I concede.

John Cowan
Most languages are dramatically underdescribed, and at least one is 
dramatically overdescribed.  Still other languages are simultaneously 
overdescribed and underdescribed.  Welsh pertains to the third category.
        --Alan King

Received on Wednesday, 8 March 2006 17:19:59 UTC