RE: Non-XML binary formats.

David Ryan wrote:
> I'd be interested if anyone is working on, or knows of 
> binary formats with similar characteristics of binary XML
> but is not based on XML?
	The encoding formats that have been defined for ASN.1 are the
"classic" binary formats that you would want to study. ASN.1, the "abstract
syntax notation 1", has been around for something like 20 years now and can
be used to define a wide variety of formats including text based formats
like XML as well as the binary formats BER, PER, DER, etc. ASN.1 is most
commonly known as the schema language for SNMP, X.500 Security Certificates,
etc. Also, ASN.1 is relied on heavily by the telecommunications industry. 
	In my opinion, the most logical thing for the W3C to do is accept
ASN.1 as an XML Schema language (it's use as one is defined by international
ISO standards) and to rely on the 20 years of development by the ASN.1
community in developing and supporting binary formats. We don't need
yet-another-standard format and it is unlikely that any new effort is going
to be able to satisfy any larger community then the ASN.1 effort has been
able to address in 20 years of listening to and responding to requirements.

		bob wyman

Received on Monday, 29 November 2004 18:31:05 UTC