Re: @lang, @xml:lang, and media type text/html

Hi Shane,

> However, if what we are trying to
>  do is ensure that when documents are written in XHTML Family markup
>  languages and are carefully constructed, then can be handed to HTML user
>  agents..... then we sort of need @lang back.
>  I am soooo open for better suggestions...

I think your suggestion is a very good one! :)

I definitely don't have a problem with having a globally applicable
attribute called @xml:lang that can be placed in arbitrary mark-up
that is created on the fly, and for its meaning to be 'well known'. I
think the same goes for @xml:space, @xhtml:role, and so on.

But I don't see any need to insist on the use of these 'global
attributes' in carefully crafted languages like XHTML, that will often
be authored by hand, have very specific requirements, and in
particular have a very definite set of processing rules.



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Received on Sunday, 30 March 2008 20:48:22 UTC