Simplicy is what is saving [Peter William's] sanity...

On 8 Jan 2012, at 19:52, Kingsley Idehen wrote:

> 1. consumer profile support for WebID via html+microdata -- many more will work and the WebID tent will grow as a result.

Currently that will also only lead to misunderstandings because the mapping to rdf has not been specified. As the  28c3 presentation "The science of insecurity" makes clear ( ) 
you cannot have security if you don't have clear semantics, as the ambiguities that you leave open will be used by your enemies to exploit you. This is why it is so fundamental that languages and protocols be simple, and that we work with well defined standards.

This is one of the underapreciated reasons why simplicity is a Design principle of the web

And if you look at the video, you'll see just how so not simple it is to do that.


Social Web Architect

Received on Sunday, 8 January 2012 19:03:52 UTC