Re: Another Translator for RDF

On 12/28/11 9:42 PM, Peter Williams wrote:
> ow, Im tempted to put the following URI (or a tiny URI version of it) 
> in my SAN URI
> <>
> Now Ive still no real idea how to think (as a consumer) about #tag vs 
> document pointers , et al. Thinking as a consumer, I JUST WANT TO 
> CLICK ON A BOOKMARKLET, and copy the resulting page's browser's 
> address bar into my cert maker form - that simply replaced my existing 
> cert with a new one (with a difference SAN name). 10s later I have a 
> new cert. Thats how dumb its got to be (for manual interaction).
> FCNS accepts it.
> FOAF SSL rejects it
> ODS rejects it.
> I suspect FCNS is not truely "de-referencing", whereas the other 2 are. 


> Do I care, is the question I suppose I should ask.


That turns the Address into a Name with implicit disambiguation. 
Basically, the server doesn't need to implement said disambiguation via 
303 based redirection.


Thus, de-referencing: 
, via GET leads to the representation (its eav/spo directed graph 
pictorial consistency) of: 
being streamed to the WebID validator.

The WebID validator then processes the retrieved graph by looking up the 
relations that underlie the WebID protocol.


Adding #this to the URL (Address) basically conforms to the Linked Data 
(an old Object Theory rule) that an Object's Identity is distinct from 
its Representation (values).
> This is rapidly getting consumable (once the quirks are ironed out). 
> What I difference from the days of xwiki, and

Once the fundamentals are nailed and verifiers honor Linked Data 
principles, we are set :-)



Kingsley Idehen	
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Received on Thursday, 29 December 2011 16:40:46 UTC