Re: Our paper for Federated Social Web Europe Conference

I had already a look at the paper. I'm missing an url to the ontology,
but I think it's about the Basic Access Control ontology [1]. For my
proof of concept implementation I was also using this ontology. But I
also needed access control on the property level for my triples store or
rdf document, not only on the resource level . I was to lazy to write an
rdf schema, but here is an example [2]. There is no resource defined
because the subject is the document, which is controled, itself. The
rdfac namespace contains my extension.
Are there any plans to extend the ontology in this direction?

At the weekend I will have a closer look and give you some feedback.


Am 28.04.2011 23:49, schrieb Dominik Tomaszuk:
> Hi all,
> As you know Martin Gaedke and me writting the paper for Berlin
> conference. It will be an honor for us to help us write and check the
> paper.
> And the actual document can be found in [1].
> [1]
> Regards,
> Dominik Tomaszuk

Received on Thursday, 28 April 2011 23:23:14 UTC