Re: possible ssn-xg event at iswc, shangai november 7-11

On 21 Sep 2010, at 15:15, <> <> wrote:

> SSN-Xgers,
> As raised at the meeting tonight, there are 2 possibilities for meetings.
> 1) Do we want to meet at ISWC? Could be like the formal F2F last year, intended to do business,
> 	or perhaps more social. Might be the right place to discuss what's next?, if we haven't sorted it by then. Might be a good idea to associate this with the SSN workshop on the 7th (although if it would take workshop time one hour would be a firm max).
> 2) There has been some interest expressed  in a shared meeting with the Provenance XG. That group
> is suggesting an informal meeting themselves, but currently during the time of the SWPM workshop at ISWC.
> This is not ideal, as it runs in parallel with SSN workshop. So another option would be
> an informal chat session say at the bar?
> IF YOU EXPECT TO BE AT ISWC can you please let me know what you would like? Both options are possible.
> 	1) some kind of ssn-xg event & what?
> 	2) some kind of shared meeting with the ProvXG and what?

I like option 1 (informal meeting), but still think 2 is relevant.
I don't know what is the planned organisation of the SSN workshop, but a possibility might be to invite some Provenance XG people as part of a panel / discussion ?

On a side node: There will probably be a Linked Data gathering (I guess the evening after the COLD workshop).
It may be relevant for discussions on Sensor Web and Linked Data.



> Kerry

Dr. Alexandre Passant
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
National University of Ireland, Galway
:me owl:sameAs <> .

Received on Wednesday, 22 September 2010 17:45:11 UTC