Meeting reminder 23 November

Hi everyone,

We will have a meeting tomorrow at this time
to catch up on what's left to do and on what happened at the SSN workshop at ISWC and to close all the pending issues (e.g. the recommendations). 
Please check what your local time will be - it's different because of the change of daylight savings hours. 

I also intend to get the group's feedback on what I intend to present at the OGC TC meeting in Sydney next week:
- In the SWE session (Monday), the emphasis will be on explaining how to leverage the W3C work on the SSN XG ontology and semantic markup in a context of Provenance management of sensor data retrieved from OGC services.
- In the GeoSemantics session (Wednesday - there is also a Linked Data ad hoc session on Tuesday), I have been offered the opportunity by Simon to explain in what sense our approach is different to what OGC is currently doing - the use of OWL, the alignement with an upper ontology vs. the use of a UML-inspired "OGC.ISO model" and its RDFS implementation for GeoSPARQL. 
The tentative title for this 2nd presentation is "Consistently linking data:with the SSN XG ontology: semantic enablement or semantic disruption for OGC?" Please do share your thoughts on this topic!

See you!
Tuesdays 13:00-14:00 UTC (9:00am-10:00am Boston local)
Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 7769 ("SSNX") - Caution the French bridge may not work!
20 participants

From: [] On Behalf Of Ingo Simonis []
Sent: Friday, 19 November 2010 10:01 PM
Subject: [swe.wg] SWE DWG Agenda Sydney Meeting
Dear All,
There will be a meeting of the SWE DWG on Monday, 29 November 14:00 – 18:00. 
It's a mixture of presentations and a round table discussion with the final agenda as follows:
•          Where do we currently stand - A short overview of SWE 
–        Ingo Simonis, IGSI
•          SWE Implementation on Portable Units for Landslide Monitoring System in Taiwan
–        Yao-Min Fang, GIS Center, Feng Chia University
•          The Semantic Sensor Web and Provenance Issues -> Presentation and round table discussion 
–        Laurent Lefort & Andrew Terhorst, CSIRO
Hope to see you there!

From: Cox, Simon (CESRE, Kensington)
Sent: Monday, 22 November 2010 1:19 PM
To: Lefort, Laurent (ICT Centre, Acton); 'Ingo Simonis'; 'Carl Reed'
Cc: ''; 'Joshua Lieberman'; Terhorst, Andrew (ICT Centre, Hobart); Lemon, David (CLW, Black Mountain); Ackland, Ross (ICT Centre, Acton); Walker, Gavin (ICT Centre, Acton); Joshua Lieberman
Subject: RE: [swe.wg] second call for presentations at Sydney TC meeting

Laurent - we still have time in the geosemantics session, if you would like to present there. Please provide a title and I'll re-circulate the agenda.

Can I make a request: for the purposes of the GeoSem session, the emphasis should be less on the SWE content per se, and more on the rationale for choosing (or not) to root an OGC ontology in DUL or another external ontology.

Received on Monday, 22 November 2010 15:07:26 UTC